
A clever mind game may help you score a birdie!
Karin Heineman, ISTV Executive Producer
How we see the past and future could have an impact on our own happiness.
Karin Heineman, ISTV Executive Producer
Just buying a lottery ticket can trigger rash decisions, research has found.
Joel Shurkin, Contributor
Two studies suggest that calorie counts may be misleading.
Joel Shurkin, Contributor
Watching reruns might help restore willpower and self-control.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
The debate over whether people have free will could depend on the difference between how we see ourselves and how we see others.
Charles Q. Choi, Contributor
A good hand scrubbing can wash away not only sins but also our regrets about everyday, mundane choices.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Techniques to earning a higher final selling price.
Devin Powell, Contributor