Inside Science News Service

New images recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope provide the earliest look yet into a young universe.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Discoveries, devices, and developments that have changed the way we view our world over the past ten years.
Inside Science Contributor
Antioxidant levels of nuts increases after roasting.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Monitoring earthquakes could help increase accuracy of eruption predictions.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Research: Cost has little impact on how much we value the gifts we receive.
Devin Powell, Contributor
The notes for many holiday-themed musical pieces use borrowed sounds from everyday speech.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Outsourcing the delivery of Christmas presents to mere mortals would provide a jolt to the staggering global economy.
Chris Gorski, Editor
Small fingers grasp more details about a minuscule objects' texture than larger-sized phalanges.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Techniques to earning a higher final selling price.
Devin Powell, Contributor
From capillary action to straw-shaped siphoning tongues, mosquitoes, hummingbirds and butterflies use amazing mechanics to drink life-sustaining liquids.
Phil Schewe, Contributor
Recent study finds that homicide rates predicted by a state's traffic fatalities.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Results from years of college football games concludes that home field advantage is often over-hyped.
Chris Gorski, Editor