
How to change hearts and minds in 140 characters or less.
Devin Powell, Contributor
Local TV's 'station scientists' have diversity of views, education.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Roger Ebert can still be heard, even though he can't speak.
Phil Schewe, Contributor
So where does Hollywood find scientific experts when they need one?
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Making movies look more like real life is no easy task for nominees of the Feb. 20 Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Scientific and Technical Achievement awards.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
Physics could help if you're trapped by the staggering undead.
Mike Lucibella, Contributor
Like Dan Brown's other books that creatively use scientific ideas within the storyline, "The Lost Symbol" is a work of fiction, and so is most of the science it contains.
Inside Science Contributor
Parallel universes, computers as brains and other strange-but-true storylines from the upcoming season of FRINGE.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer
While Dan Brown’s bestselling-book 'Angels & Demons' is a work of fiction, some of the science depicted in the recently released screen adaptation is actually factual.
Emilie Lorditch, Staff Writer