
The first terrestrial animals may have been helped along by a curious confluence of events.
Ker Than, Contributor
New research aims to reduce chances of bats drowning in backyards.
Peter Gwynne, Contributor
Sports scientists could help musicians and other artists endure the stresses of their craft.
Chris Gorski, Editor
At the 2014 FIFA World Cup, the teams will battle extreme heat and humidity.
Peter Gwynne, Contributor
Population crisis tests National Park Service's policy to avoid human intervention.
Joel Shurkin, Contributor
Carbon dioxide light source cleanly cuts decay.
Peter Gwynne, Contributor
An antimicrobial substance in pine tree bark may have a use for treating skin cancer.
Cynthia McKelvey, Contributor
Recent analysis shows women's menstrual cycles may not affect their mate preferences.
Cynthia McKelvey, Contributor
Captive gorillas display fewer stress-related behaviors in response to rainforest sounds.
Jyoti Madhusoodanan, Contributor
Comparing carbon atoms among mummies reveals vegetarian diets.
Alexander Hellemans, Contributor
Some crops grown at elevated carbon dioxide levels have less zinc and iron.
Ker Than, Contributor
Naturally occurring viruses are slowly gaining popularity in eradicating foodborne bacteria.
Cynthia McKelvey, Contributor