Articles by Emily DeMarco

Did you know you can "eClimb" the summit of Grand Teton?
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Scientists are combining new technologies to reveal how the animals use tree canopies.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Preliminary research suggests a phenomenon called the Leidenfrost effect is at play
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Preliminary research suggests that eddies may hold tasty surprises.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Tiny bits of plastic pose threats to freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
The animals use a cocktail of decomposing skin and food to lure prey.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Climate change may be contributing to the animal’s decline
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Scientists are using sound to track how sharks migrate and the animals they encounter.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
New research explores how giraffes defy gravity when they drink.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer
Economists find bikers, motorcyclists and pedestrians are most at risk.
Emily DeMarco, Staff Writer