Articles by Jason Socrates Bardi

Using science to read the future and find out if, how and when the end is near.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
According to experts, it's strong historic investment in basic science, academic freedom for researchers and patience to see results.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Research on fruit flies led to the discovery of the mechanisms behind "circadian" rhythms, and the 2017 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Three American biologists who discovered molecular mechanism behind "circadian" genes share 2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
The sensory perception of a product based on how it feels.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Why we ramped up fusion energy research (Part 5 of a 5-part series).
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
The early history of fusion energy (Part 4 of a 5-part series).
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
The boundless benefits of fusion energy (Part 2 of a 5-part series).
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Limitless, clean energy to secure our planet’s future (Part 1 of a 5-part series).
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
A simple idea based on a high school experiment could be a warning signal ahead of a nuclear meltdown.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Singing is not just emotion -- it is motion as well. But how far do the vocal cords crawl in a single operatic performance?
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor
Science and high speed cameras prove that heavy metal singers do intuitively what babies know instinctively -- how to protect their voices while making very loud sounds.
Jason Socrates Bardi, Editor