Articles by Joel Shirkin

A computer program can identify facial features that match photographs of parents with their child.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Could where you live impact how healthy you are?
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Find out how more bicycles on the road actually makes it safer for both cyclists and motorists.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A new technique can light up cancer cells so doctors can see them sooner.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A tiny new material can detect and repair damage to metal pipes.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Is structured play more beneficial than free play?
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A child’s playing behavior can help predict if the child will develop autism.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A new computer program can let you see how your child will age.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Find out how a drop of water can help police track down criminals.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Custom-made splint produced from a 3D printer saves lives.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Interactive toy to inspire the next generation of scientists.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Scientists battle deadly diseases with genetically modified mosquitoes.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer