Articles by Nala Rogers

A new song type originated in western Canada and then spread East, replacing the sparrows’ traditional song.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
A new type of exotic mantis has entered the U.S. My own brood of nonnative mantises sheds light on what that means.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
Available data revealed that people of color were hospitalized 25% less often than white people after high-force arrests.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
Bacteria engineered to glow green are helping to show how damage from aging is passed down through generations.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
A mysterious video shows worms fighting and dancing the "jitterbug."
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
Humans' compulsion to touch their faces may be part of a subconscious instinct to smell themselves.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
The worms absorb and digest symbiotic bacteria through their skin.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
During this modern coronavirus pandemic, our ancient instincts for avoiding disease may misfire.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
New research suggests that national monument designations have not harmed local economies, and in some ways they may have helped.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
Genetic differences between forest lizards and city lizards show evolution can play out the same way again and again.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
Study of fish personalities highlights the importance of wildlife as individuals, not just species.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer
The first fracking-induced earthquake to claim human lives shows why magnitude may underestimate the danger such earthquakes pose.
Nala Rogers, Staff Writer