Articles by Yuen Yiu

Experts who studied the Zika epidemic discuss how to handle misinformation during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
A mathematical model that visualizes echo chambers on Twitter shows how they coevolve with polarization on controversial topics.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Review study examines why people are suffering heart attacks during high intensity and endurance exercises such as marathons and triathlons.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
What links a wildfire raging across a forest to the electric signals rippling through our hearts? Enter the world of waves in excitable media.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Study identifies having a fat tongue as a primary factor in the common sleep disorder.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
New design is able to stabilize itself.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
International efforts, including the Paris agreement, may not be able to solve the climate change crisis on their own.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Researchers create a 10-qubit register that can hold its quantum state for more than a minute.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Astrophysicists devised a new theory that may explain the formation of black holes with masses exceeding 50 times that of our own sun.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Researchers found that when we fall from different heights, our bodies move differently to absorb the impact.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Instead of packing more pixels into displays, engineers are learning how to trick our eyes and brains to see higher resolutions in the virtual world.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Several exoplanets were found before the 1995 discovery that netted Mayor and Didier this year’s physics Nobel. Why weren’t the others honored?
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer