Currents blog

Stealth clothing offers protection against airborne drones and thermal imaging.
Chris Gorski, Editor
Here is a sample of the most popular Inside Science content from 2012.
Inside Science Contributor
The Inside Science staff would like to send warm season’s greetings to all of our readers.
Chris Gorski, Editor
And keeping Santa healthy.
Chris Gorski, Editor
A view from the 2012 fall meeting of the American Geophysical Union
Chris Gorski, Editor
The climate is a big topic in San Francisco this week at the American Geophysical Union’s fall meeting.
Chris Gorski, Editor
Two companies discussed hosting science experiments outside of Earth.
Chris Gorski, Editor
Researchers came up with an innovative method of peeking at the processes inside lithium-ion batteries.
Thomas Sumner, Contributor
Whether you're waiting for the turkey to finish cooking or waiting in line for a Black Friday we have you covered
Chris Gorski, Editor
Researchers have discovered a simple way of grounding mosquitoes: fog.
Thomas Sumner, Contributor
A duo of recent journal papers use the tools of science to address economic questions.
Chris Gorski, Editor
Notes on where math, statistics and other forms of analysis play a part in our democracy.
Chris Gorski, Editor