Articles by Karin Heineman

Counterfeit drugs are a serious global health problem that technology may help to address by separating the pharma from the fake.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Researchers look at what’s in soil to help farmers improve crops and their lives.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Scientists may have found an easier way to image the tiny brains of mice used to study human diseases.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
There’s a bunch of space trash floating around Earth, it’s moving superfast, and now we have lasers to help keep an eye on it.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Using light to send digital data is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
New programmable fabric shares songs, videos, and your Facebook or Instagram page with anyone nearby.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Ultrafast lasers may better distinguish cancerous tissue during surgery, defining tumor margins and helping improve outcomes.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
There’s still time -- book a spot to see the upcoming total solar eclipse.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Giant magnets used for nuclear fusion weigh almost as much as 747 jet plane (Part 3 of a 5-part series).
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
How do fireworks make shapes in the sky?
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Scientists are inspired by a unique bird to help make fluids flow faster.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer
Take a look inside a fully immersive virtual reality chamber.
Karin Heineman, Executive Producer