Articles by Joel Shirkin

A new way to help those without a voice communicate.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A new device that allows veterinarians to keep a consistent, noninvasive eye on recovering animals.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Dust storms in Africa could affect air quality in the U.S.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Technology that takes beams of light and turns any flat space into a touchscreen.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Making powerful artificial muscles with fishing line and sewing thread.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Stimulating nerve therapy can help heal physical damage from a stroke.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Tiny reflectors can help identify viruses and bacteria.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Keeping pacemakers and defibrillators secure using the patient’s heartbeat.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
New material could automatically deliver medication inside your body.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
A portable malaria detector could provide test results in seconds.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Could a material that flows like a liquid but acts like a solid be the ultimate pothole patch?
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer
Helping prosthetic patients "feel" more naturally.
Marsha Lewis, Contributing Producer