Articles by Yuen Yiu

The game-changing scientific device you've never heard of.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Physicists are exploring new ways to improve the accuracy of global clock networks essential to applications such as GPS.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Physicists come up with alternate explanation of gravity that may implicate dark energy, which comprises 70 percent of our universe.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Scientists have just found out that zinc sulfide, a relatively common semiconductor material, becomes pliable when kept in the dark.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Researchers found that efforts to curtail tourism-related emissions have been outpaced by the industry's growth.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Physicists are looking inside atoms on Earth to learn more about mysterious neutron stars thousands of light-years away.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Researchers use machine learning to solve the long standing “sign problem” in computational physics.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Before learning what can be done with graphene, we need to know what can be done to graphene.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
We explore how powerful your laser needs to be to get noticed on Mars and beyond.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Theorists propose a new way to find new particles in the data from the Large Hadron Collider.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Scientists discuss the risks and feasibility of using solar geoengineering to cool us off.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer
Scientists discussed the feasibility of battery-operated semi-trucks and airplanes at a meeting of physicists in Los Angeles.
Yuen Yiu, Staff Writer