March's Stellar Space Photos

Peer into the distant past this month with images of Scholz's star, the Crab Nebula and more.
In this illustration, the artist imagines an ancient man gazing upon Scholz's star as it visited our solar system 70,000 years ago.

In this illustration, the artist imagines an ancient man gazing upon Scholz's star as it visited our solar system 70,000 years ago.

Media credits
Abigail Malate, Staff Illustrator

(Inside Science) -- This month, we look at range of distant objects that have captivated human imagination for thousands of years. From the mysterious NGC 1052-DF2 -- a galaxy lacking dark matter -- to the oft observed Crab Nebula, we find astronomy images that remind us of the strangeness of our wonderful universe.

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Abigail Malate is a graphic designer at the American Institute of Physics, which produces the editorially independent news service Inside Science.